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  Villages /  Saint Germain-du-Bel-Air

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Saint Germain-du-Bel-Air

• Lot (46310)   • Population: 507  • Altitude: 250 m

Gallery of 6 photos for Saint Germain-du-Bel-Air

Saint Germain-du-Bel-Air is a fair-sized village in the Lot, north of Cahors and south of Gourdon. Market days are busy and the main street includes a bank along with the normal shops. • Market day Sun.

St Germain is quite residential and not particularly oriented around tourisme. It's pleasant enough, though, and the surrounding countryside is lovely.

There are a couple of decent cafés along with the shops.

The large stone, neo-Gothic church was built in 1889. The bell is 3 centuries older, from 1585.

Païs de Saint-Germain-du-Bel-Air

Meaning "country of" or "area of" Saint-Germain-du-Bel-Air, this is a grouping of 13 villages to offer a common front for tourisme, such as the collection of hiking trails so nicely presented in the hiking guides available from the village tourist offices. The villages joined together in the common Syndicat d'Initiative are Saint Germain-du-Bel-Air, Peyrilles, Montamel, Concores, Lamothe-Cassel, Uzech, Frayssinet, Ussel, Vaillac, Beaumat, Séniergues, Saint-Chamarand and Soucirac.

History of Saint Germain-du-Bel-Air

Gallo-Roman: There was a Roman presence in Saint Germain-du-Bel-Air.


Market day: Sun. July-August: Marché des Producteurs de Pays, Artisans d'art, Vieux métiers et animations, Place du Foirail


• GPS: 44.646719, 1.439664


IGN (1/25,000) #2137 O "Labastide-Murat"

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