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  Flora Wildflowers /  Primrose

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Primula vulgaris     Fr: Primevère acaule

Gallery of 2 photos for Primrose

The light-yellow primrose is supposed to be the first flower of spring (primula), and it's clear, light-yellow is named as the color primrose. These are becoming rare, as garden hybrids breed with wild ones. The flowers grow singly on long, fuzzy stalks.

Flowers. Jan-May

Flower. Five notched lobes, pale yellow with a deep-yellow throat. The petals are joined at the base into a tube, typical of the Primulaceae family.

Leaves. Basal rosette, oblong with rounded tips, tapering at the base into the stalk. Wrinkled surface and hairy beneath.

Habitat. Forests, clearings, fields, hedges.

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