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  Villages /  La Couvertoirade

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La Couvertoirade

• Aveyron (12230)   • Population: 186

Gallery of 18 photos for La Couvertoirade

La Couvertoirade is a 12th-century Templiers fortress village on the high plateau, Causses du Larzac, 25 km north of Lodève. The village is completely walled and its compact center has stone paved streets and stone buildings and walls. There are a few shops and restaurants in the village, but it seems more like a tourist site than a living village. Still, it's listed as one of the Most Beautiful Villages of France, and we must agree that this is strikingly beautiful gem.
Plus Beaux Village logo La Couvertoirade is one of the Most Beautiful Villages (Plus Beaux Villages) of France.

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