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  Villages /  Nice /  Nice Transportation

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Nice Transportation

Nice is a transportation hub, with an international airport, on the main rail line between Italy and the rest of France, Corsican ferry service, and extensive bus routes within the town and to outlying towns and villages.
A modern Tramway was added to Nice in the beginning of 2008. [Nice Tramway Map]


The Nice International Airport is the second largest in France, with direct flights to America, Britain and the rest of Europe.


village photo

Regular car-ferry service is provided from the old port of Nice. One of the newer ferries is the "NGV" (Navire Grande Vitesse), the nautical variation of the TGV high-speed train (photo).

  • Nice-Corsica Ferry
  • 3 Ave Gustave-V


The main rail line goes east to Monaco, Menton, Italy and the rest of Europe. To the west, the line goes to Marseilles, Lyon and Paris, with local stops at Antibes, Cannes and Fréjus. [rail map] Some typical Nice-Paris schedules and prices are shown on the Travel-Rail page.

Gare SNCF - Nice-Ville

  • Ave Thiers: up Ave Jean Médecin and left at the overpass.

Train des Pignes

  • The station for the Train des Pignes is on rue Alfred Binet, up Ave Jean Médecin, under the overpass onto ave Malaussena about 4 blocks, then left 2-3 blocks.

Nice-Cuneo Train

Bus Line 210 Nice - Cannes Express

  • Bus line 210 is an express bus between the Nice airport (terminals 1 and 2) and Cannes, via the autoroute. In Cannes, the 210 stops at the railway station, (bus area to the right, east, end of the station.
    There are 23 buses a day, from 8h00 to 20h00. The trip takes 50 minues. Full price, one-way, is 15.60 euro.
    An official list of Alpes-Maritimes bus lines, with links to the schedules for each line (PDF), is available on the following link:
  • Web:

Bus Nice

  • Nice has excellent bus service for the city. A slightly adventurous way of visiting a new city is to take any bus to the end of the line and back again, or ride out and walk back. You'll often see interesting parts of a city that the tourist guides never mention.

    In addition to city-wide buses, service is provided to the surrounding towns and villages, including Antibes, Cannes, Grasse and Vence.

Bus Nice - Castellane

  • Bus service is provided once a day, every day (including Sundays) between Castellane, Grasse and Nice. The schedule is subject to change; verify the times with the Office de Tourisme. (There is more frequent service between Nice and Grasse.)

Bus Nice - Gap

  • There are two buses a day between Nice and Gap, with the route Nice - Digne-les-Bains - Sisteron, and Sisteron - Gap.

    • Northbound: Nice 7h00, Digne 10h10, Sisteron 11h00, Gap 11h45.
    •       Nice 14h50, Digne 17h40, Sisteron 18h45, Gap 19h40.
    • Southbound: Gap 8h05, Sisteron 9h10, Digne 9h50, Nice 12h40
    •       Gap 15h28, Sisteron 16h30, Digne 17h25, Nice 2030

    The Nice - Gap bus route is:

    • Nice, Plan-du-Var, Touet-sur-Var, Puget-Thenier, Entreveaux, Annot-Scaffarel, Rouaine, Saint Julien, St André-les-Alpes, Moriez, Barreme, Norante, Chateau-Redon, Digne-les-Bains, Mallemoisson, Malijai, Chateau-Arnoux, Volonne, Peipin, Bons Enfants, Sisteron, Le Poet, Rourebeau, Beynon, Valenty, Monetier-Allemont, Le Vivas, La Saulce, Tallard, Chateauvieux, La Tourronde, Gap.
    • The route and schedule is available on the SCAL-Autocars website (link below); select Nice / Gap and click on one symbol to view the route map, click on the other symbol for the schedule. (Schedule link
    • At Nice, the bus terminal is at 16 ave des Diables Bleus (Tramway stop Palais des Expositions)
    • Web:

    Bus Nice - Genoa, Italy

    • A bus service started in 1997 between Nice and Genoa uses modern, air-conditioned coaches, with video entertainment and cabin service. The trip is 2-1/2 hours between Nice Airport and Genoa, with a stop at the Place Massena in Nice.

    Bus Nice - St Raphaël - St Tropez

    • Bus line 3003 (Saint Raphaël - Nice) connects Nice Airport-1 with Fréjus and Saint Raphaël. Bus line 7601 connects Saint Raphaël and Saint Tropez.
      See Beyond's Bus Schedules Page 16: Var Department for information about getting schedules.

Tours Nice Transportation

Phoceens Cars -- Nice-Genoa

Daily round-trips between Nice and Genoa (Italy), and between Nice and Vintimille (Italy).

Location: 2 place Masséna

Tel: 0493 856 661; Fax: 04 93 56 97 52


As of April 2012 their website doesn't seem to work.


SantAzur runs local buses, and does bus tours to towns and sites in the Alpes-Maritimes and adjacent in Italy.

Location: 11, ave Jean-Médecin; BP 1467 - 06008 Nice Cedex 1

Tel: 0493 854 681; Fax: 04 93 87 90 08


Tours-France, Riviera

The Riviera section of lists tours starting from Nice, France. Different tours include sites such as Tourdon, Tourettes, St-Paul, Cannes, Antibes, Monaco and Italy.

Entry: Individual rates are in the 50-80 euro range.


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