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  Themes /  Photo Galleries /  Grignan Santons Village Miniature (B)

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Grignan Santons Village Miniature (B)

  •  Santons Grignan Provencal B photo grignan-santon-vlg0026b.jpg

    1/18. One of the long sections, with the town hall, at the Grignan Village Miniatures

  •  Santons Grignan Provencal B photo grignan-santon-vlg0156b.jpg

    2/18. Santon village life by the bakery and a toy shop, Grignan Village Miniatures

  •  Santons Grignan Provencal B photo grignan-santon-vlg0160b.jpg

    3/18. Market activity with a village street behind, Grignan Village Miniatures

  •  Santons Grignan Provencal B photo grignan-santon-vlg0165b.jpg

    4/18. The egg lady at the village market, Grignan Village Miniatures

  •  Santons Grignan Provencal B photo grignan-santon-vlg0167b.jpg

    5/18. Farm lady at the village market, with chickens or very fresh eggs, Grignan Village Miniatures

  •  Santons Grignan Provencal B photo grignan-santon-vlg0168b.jpg

    6/18. Grignan village bakery, Grignan Village Miniatures

  •  Santons Grignan Provencal B photo grignan-santon-vlg0180b.jpg

    7/18. Santon village activity behind, and local bar scene, Grignan Village Miniatures

  •  Santons Grignan Provencal B photo grignan-santon-vlg0182b.jpg

    8/18. Detail of the santon village bar, Grignan Village Miniatures

  •  Santons Grignan Provencal B photo grignan-santon-vlg0182b2.jpg

    9/18. Detail of detail, card players at the bar, Grignan Village Miniatures

  •  Santons Grignan Provencal B photo grignan-santon-vlg0186b.jpg

    10/18. Santon lady fetching her purse from beneath her skirts (?), Grignan Village Miniatures

  •  Santons Grignan Provencal B photo grignan-santon-vlg0191b.jpg

    11/18. Fishermen and fresh fish at the santon village market, Grignan Village Miniatures

  •  Santons Grignan Provencal B photo grignan-santon-vlg0192b.jpg

    12/18. Fish monger selling from his on-the-road wagon, Grignan Village Miniatures

  •  Santons Grignan Provencal B photo grignan-santon-vlg0196b.jpg

    13/18. Market scene with ladies and vegies, Grignan Village Miniatures

  •  Santons Grignan Provencal B photo grignan-santon-vlg0199b.jpg

    14/18. Grignan santon village scene around the fountain in front of the church, Grignan Village Miniatures

  •  Santons Grignan Provencal B photo grignan-santon-vlg0204b.jpg

    15/18. The cloth seller at the Grignan santon market, Grignan Village Miniatures

  •  Santons Grignan Provencal B photo grignan-santon-vlg0213b.jpg

    16/18. Bunches of garlic for sale, Grignan Village Miniatures

  •  Santons Grignan Provencal B photo grignan-santon-vlg0218b.jpg

    17/18. Discussion between village men, Grignan Village Miniatures

  •  Santons Grignan Provencal B photo grignan-santon-vlg0224b.jpg

    18/18. Newlyweds in front of the Grignan santon village town hall, Grignan Village Miniatures

And more photos from the extensive and amazingly detailed Provencal santon exhibit in the Village Miniature at Grignan.

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Santon photos