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  Sites /  Rivers /  Tombereau Falls

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Tombereau Falls

Gallery of 5 photos for Tombereau Falls

The Cascade du Tombereau is a pretty waterfall that flows into a lovely pond area, in an area of woods and vineyards north of Bras village and south of Brue-Auriac.

Tombereau Falls | Bras Village |

Tombereau falls are on the Argens river at the point where it and the Cauron join together.

The falls are said to be 10 metres high. They didn't seem that tall to us, but they're wide and a lot of water was coming over in a loud, frothing torrent.

The pond area adjacent to the falls is beside the road and easily accessible, although the land around the falls is fenced off.

The country lanes here are nice for strolling, through shady woods and along the local vineyards.


Leave Bras village to the northwest on the D35, direction Brue-Auriac. From the parking area of Bras it's 2.5 km to where a small road angles off to the right. Marked "Tomberau", this little road parallels the D35 for a couple of hundred metres before bending right and crossing fields and forests to a small bridge, 1.0 km from the D35.

Immediately across the little bridge there's a parking (and picnic) area to the right.

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