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  Sites /  Gorges /  Taulanne Clue

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Taulanne Clue

Gallery of 8 photos for Taulanne Clue

This is a beautiful, steep-sided canyon winds down from the Col des Leques, just west of Castellane on the Route Napoleon. The road runs along the side, at one point passing through a needle-eye hole in the rock wall (called Clue de la Roche Perchée).

Our photo (left) is looking north, where the Route Napoléon runs towards Barrème (8 km) and on to Digne (38 km). Back to the south 3 km is the Col des Leques (mountain pass), with hiking trails, and then the town of Castellane (19 km).

A fast-running stream flows down the bottom of the canyon, with small waterfalls and pools. Photos 4 through 8 show different waterfalls (cascades) and pools in the canyon, and how enjoyable they can be in the summer.


    Photo 2 and photos 4 through 8 were contributed by Bas Bruning from Holland.

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