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  Villages /  Nice /  Nice Photo Gallery

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Nice Photo Gallery

  •  Nice photo nice08b.jpg

    1/11. The fountain at the Espace Massian, Nice, France.

  •  Nice photo nice45b.jpg

    2/11. Red roofs of the "Vieille Ville" of Nice, France.

  •  Nice photo nice088b.jpg

    3/11. Just a part of the Cour Saleya market, Nice, France.

  •  Nice photo nice43b.jpg

    4/11. Chateau ruins, Nice, France.

  •  Nice photo nice39b.jpg

    5/11. Chateau park and painter, Nice, France.

  •  Nice photo nice37b.jpg

    6/11. Interesting playground at the Chateau park of Nice, France.

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    7/11. Place Massena, Nice, France.

  •  Nice photo nice21b.jpg

    8/11. Nice Port, and the Corcica ferry.

  •  Nice photo nice033b.jpg

    9/11. Waterfall on the "chateau" rocks, Nice, France.

  •  Nice photo nicesundial0001b.jpg

    10/11. The "horizontal" Nice, France sundial. Located at the Quai Rauba Capeu, the walk along the seaside below the Chateau hill.

  •  Nice photo nice0006b.jpg

    11/11. December sun at the beach, Nice, France.

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