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  Villages /  Menton /  Menton Museums

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Musée des Beaux-Arts du Palais Carnolès

Also a garden.

Location: 3 Ave de la Madone

Entry: free

This Fine Arts museum is in the old summer residence of the Princes Grimaldi of Monaco.

L'Ecomusée de la forge

Location: 2 rue du Grenadier

Entry: free

19th century blacksmith's forge.

Galerie d'Art du Palais de l'Europe

Location: 8 Ave Boyer

Entry: free

This art gallery exhibits French and foreign contemporary artists. Located in the old casino, constructed in 1908-09 by the Danish architect Hans Georg Tersling.

Musée Jean Cocteau

Location: Vieux Port

Open: All year, 10h-12h, 14h-18h

Closed: Tue and holidays

Entry: 3 euros. Free the first Sun of the month and for under 18s.

The Bastion, a small 17th-c for was converted by Jean Cocteau into an exhibition place for his work, including drawings, paintings and tapestries.

The Mentonese Faiences

Location: 63 Bvd du Fossan

Open: daily 9h-12h, 14h30-17h

Closed: Sat, Sun

Regional Prehistory Museum

Location: Rue Lorédan Larchey

Entry: Free. Group guided visits are available for up to 25 students per group (54 euros).

Menton's Musée de préhistoire Régionale is located two blocks northeast of the town hall (Mairie), at the top of the Rue Loredan-Larchey. The interior is fairly small (by big-city standards) but the presentations are outstanding. And the prehistoric history displayed is based around local discoveries in the caves of Vallonet, Lazaret and Grimaldi – with also the Vallée de Merveilles (Mercantour) and the Terra Amata site of Nice.

The displays include several individual diaramas with life-size bronze figures in typical settings. There are different audio-visual presentations, and many informative graphical diagrams.

Salle des mariages (Wedding Hall)

Location: Place Ardoïno

Open: daily, 8h30-12h30, 14h-17h

Closed: Sat, Sun, holidays

Entry: 1.50 euros; under 18s free

Decorated with wall paintings in the 1950s by Jean Cocteau.

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