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  Themes /  Transhumance / Transhumance St Etienne-de-Tinée /  Transhumance St Etienne-de-Tinée Photo Gallery

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Transhumance St Etienne-de-Tinée Photo Gallery

  •  Transhumance St Etienne-de-Tinée photo stetientransh0002b.jpg

    1/9. The head of the troupeaux through the streets.

  •  Transhumance St Etienne-de-Tinée photo stetientransh0007b.jpg

    2/9. The troupeaux pass in front of the fire station.

  •  Transhumance St Etienne-de-Tinée photo stetientransh0011b.jpg

    3/9. Slow roads when your timing is off. 30 seconds ago, the road was clear for these tourists.

  •  Transhumance St Etienne-de-Tinée photo stetientransh0021b.jpg

    4/9. Sheep and shephard through a village street.

  •  Transhumance St Etienne-de-Tinée photo stetientransh0028b.jpg

    5/9. Sheep panic when confronting their fate. The sheep got out of control at this point, trampling a wool spinner's work.

  •  Transhumance St Etienne-de-Tinée photo stetienmetier0032b.jpg

    6/9. Two "knitters" turning spin wool into clothes. Notice the old spinning wheel at top-right of the photo.

  •  Transhumance St Etienne-de-Tinée photo stetienmetier0026b.jpg

    7/9. Making and baking "Cussonets". The kneeling man is writing the recipe out on the table cover for the buyers.

  •  Transhumance St Etienne-de-Tinée photo stetienmetier0009b.jpg

    8/9. "Cussonet" makers rolling and cutting the dough.

  •  Transhumance St Etienne-de-Tinée photo stetienmetier0024b.jpg

    9/9. The period band played pretty much non-stop during the day.

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