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  Food /  Recipes /  Sauce au Pistou Recipe

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Sauce au Pistou Recipe

Provencal French cuisine

Serves: 4


2 sprigs basil [basilic]
4 cloves garlic [l'ail]
300 g parmesan

olive oil [huile d'olive]
handful pine nuts [pignons]

Use pleanty of basil: the sauce should be green.

1. In a mortar, crush the basil, garlic and about 1/3 of the parmesan. Work in the olive oil to obtain a thick sauce, then add the pine nuts.

Conversions 30 g = 1 oz = 2 Tbs   180 g = 6 oz = 3/4 cup  
1 kg = 2.2 lbs 1 lt = 1.06 qt  60 g = 2 oz = 1/4 cup 225 g = 8 oz = 1 cup
0.45 kg = 1 lb   0.95 lt = 1 qt 115 g = 4 oz = 1/2 cup   450 g = 16 oz = 1 pint

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