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  Food /  Herbs /  Caraway

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Herbs and spices of Provence

Latin: carum carvi
Synonyms: anis des Vosges; cumin des prés

The use of caraway seeds in food goes back to the earliest history of man, as far back as the stone age. Carraway grows wild in Europe, and is used for cooking mainly in the north and the east, The carraway plant is a tall, yellow-green plant with thin leaves, similar to those of the carrot.


Tie the plants together at the stems and hang them head-down in a dry, shady, ventelated place. Use an elastic cord so they won't fall, as the stems tend to shrivel as they dry. To catch the seeds, tie a bag around each bunch of plants as you hang them to dry.


The carraway seeds are used to flavor breads and cakes and as a coating for cheese (especially a Dutch Edam and munster). The seeds are also good with the strong meats of game or to flavor the sauce. With cabbage, put the seeds in the cooking water to attenuate the cabbage smell.


Carraway seeds can be prepared as a tea or chewed directly as a breath freshener, to stimulate the appetite, aid digestion and relieve flatulence.

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