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  Food /  Recipes /  Béchamel Recipe

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Béchamel Recipe

Provencal French cuisine

Béchamel is a basic French sauce; the Provencal version adds the garlic flavor. Provencal béchamel is an olive-oil sauce with a light garlic flavor, used on many Provençal dishes. Provencal white sauce (sauce blanche) uses the same recipe, but with hot water in place of the milk.

Serves: 6


1 cup olive oil [huile d'olive]
2 cloves garlic [l'ail]
1 sprig parsley

2 tbsp flour [farine]
1 cup cold water
1 cup hot milk

1. Put the flour into a bowl and thin with the cold water. Keep stiring as you add the hot milk.

2. Heat the olive oil with the garlic and parsley, being careful not to singe the garlic.

3. Add the flour-liquid mixture to olive-oil mixture and stir continuously over low heat until the sauce is smooth.

Conversions 30 g = 1 oz = 2 Tbs   180 g = 6 oz = 3/4 cup  
1 kg = 2.2 lbs 1 lt = 1.06 qt  60 g = 2 oz = 1/4 cup 225 g = 8 oz = 1 cup
0.45 kg = 1 lb   0.95 lt = 1 qt 115 g = 4 oz = 1/2 cup   450 g = 16 oz = 1 pint

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