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  Villages /  Menton /  Menton Photo Gallery

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Menton Photo Gallery

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    1/13. Menton Old town from below. The Place du Cap in the foreground; the tower of St Michel at the top.

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    2/13. Aerial view of Menton - taken from beside the village of Castellar.

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    3/13. Medieval town of Menton from sea front. Viewed from the Baie de Garavan at the east in the morning.

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    4/13. Menton parkway. The Jardins Biovès, looking north. The Office de Tourisme is in one of the buildings up on the right.

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    5/13. Colorful buildings near the Menton town hall. The Place Ardoino.

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    6/13. Looking up Menton's Rue de la Conception.

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    7/13. Menton Place de la Conception. Beside the Eglise St Michel and the Chapel de Pénitents Blancs.

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    8/13. Looking up Menton's Rue Longue.

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    9/13. Looking back down Menton's Rue Longue.

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    10/13. Frescoed building in Menton - This one at the Place du Cap.

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    11/13. Beach front beside Menton town. This is in the morning in September. July and Aug the sand probably wouldn't be visible for the people.

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    12/13. More Menton beach front beside the town.

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    13/13. 1000 year old olive trees at Menton - In the Parc de Pian.

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