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  Sites /  Plains / Camargue /  Parc Ornithologique de Pont de Grau

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Parc Ornithologique de Pont de Grau

Nature Bird Park

Gallery of 14 photos for Camargue Pont de Grau

This fabulous ornithological park is located beside the D570 road near Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer. There are 9 ha (20 acres) of marshlands, set amidst the greater nature reserve, with the birds of Camargue in the wild and in large cages.

Most of the birds of Camargue, both resident and migratory, can be seen here close-to-hand. The central area of the park has birds of prey, with many different owls, eagles, hawks, harriers, buzzards and vultures. Marsh birds and sea birds are here, with geese, swans, ducks, egrets, storks and herons. And of course the icon of the Camargue, the pink flamingo.

Long paths circle out through the marshes away from the center, where you see nature as it should be. Birds wading and fishing and flying. Fish jumping half out of the water and muskrats swimming along the edges or crossing the paths in front of you.

A reception area has a permanent display of the ecology of the region, and benches behind large windows where you can observe during inclement weather.

  • Pont de Gau; 13460 Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer
  • Tel: (33) 490 97 82 62
  • Open: 7 days a week; about 5 €
          Apr-Sept: 9h - sundown; Oct-Mar: 10h - sundown

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