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  Villages /  Bézaudun-les-Alpes /  Bézaudun-les-Alpes Photo Gallery

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Bézaudun-les-Alpes Photo Gallery

  •  Bézaudun-les-Alpes photo bezaudunalpes0022b.jpg

    1/8. Bézaudun-les-Alpes perched in the barren hills. A sunny January - notice the snow on the far hilltop.

  •  Bézaudun-les-Alpes photo bezaudunalpes0006b.jpg

    2/8. Bézaudun-les-Alpes with the namesake Alpes snow covered in the distance. The tower at the left is the 12th-13th century tower of the original chateau.

  •  Bézaudun-les-Alpes photo bezaudunalpes0009b.jpg

    3/8. Top of Bézaudun-les-Alpes village, with the ancient stone-based cross in the foreground. At the right of the photo is the bell tower campanile of the 13th-century parochial church Nativité de la Vierge.

  •  Bézaudun-les-Alpes photo bezaudunalpes0011b.jpg

    4/8. Bézaudun-les-Alpes' campanile topped belfry, the Alps behind. The snow covered Alpes clearly in view in the distance.

  •  Bézaudun-les-Alpes photo bezaudunalpes0017b.jpg

    5/8. A village map of Bézaudun-les-Alpes, in earth-toned tiles.

  •  Bézaudun-les-Alpes photo bezaudunalpes0019b.jpg

    6/8. Bézaudun-les-Alpes town hall (mairie), a modest little place compared to many villages.

  •  Bézaudun-les-Alpes photo bezaudunalpes0018b.jpg

    7/8. A narrow street and steps inside Bézaudun-les-Alpes village.

  •  Bézaudun-les-Alpes photo bezaudunalpes0001b.jpg

    8/8. Snow-clad hills, looking north from Bézaudun-les-Alpes village in January.

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