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  Villages /  Saumane (Gard)

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Saumane (Gard)

• Gard (30125)   • Population: 240  • Altitude: 327 m

Gallery of 6 photos for Saumane-30

This little village of stone houses sits along both sides of a river flowing through the Borgne Valley, running between Saint Jean-du-Gard in the southwest and towards the Méjean Causse plateau to the northwest. Saint André-de-Valborgne has stone arched bridges, old fountains, and shady café and restaurant terraces.

The village buildings are attached end-to-end, with their fronts on the road and their backs to the mountain river passing through. A high, double-arched stone bridge is quite lovely.

A very low dam makes a very nice swimming area in the center of the village, with a more-or-less grassy berge for sunbathing. The swimming beach has a lifeguard every afternoon, and access is free.

Transportation Saumane (Gard)

Department 30, Gard Buses

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