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  Villages /  Besse-sur-Issole /  Besse-sur-Issole Fountains

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Besse-sur-Issole Fountains

Gallery of 10 photos for Besse-sur-Issole Fountains

There are several ancient fountains in the village, and the tourist office has a map with their locations so you can do a walking tour of them. The office was closed, but we managed to find them all from the map in the window.

The Office de Tourisme was closed every time we visited (always on a Sunday), but we managed to find all the fountains from the map in the window.

The main "La Republique" fountain and statue was made a bit gaudy, during our 1991 visit, by the addition of neon-light angel wings; probably nice at night. On our most recent visit to Besse-sur-Issole, the statue part of the fountain had been un-decorated; an improvement.

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