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  Travel Rail Travel / Train des Merveilles /  Train des Merveilles Photo Gallery

The world's oldest, largest (and best) website about Provence

Train des Merveilles Photo Gallery

  •  Train des Merveilles photo tr_merv0027.jpg

    1/5. Train des Merveilles coaches at the Tende station on a sunny first of February.

  •  Train des Merveilles photo tr_merv0023.jpg

    2/5. The Merveilles train leaving the Tende station for Italy.

  •  Train des Merveilles photo tr_merv0004.jpg

    3/5. A snowy L'Escarene viewed through the train window.

  •  Train des Merveilles photo tr_merv0030.jpg

    4/5. A train passing between tunnels, near Tende.

  •  Train des Merveilles photo tr_merv030.jpg

    5/5. The Nice-Cuneo train in the summer time. Near Sospel, taken back in 1996.

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